Fifty years of serving tourists

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Fifty years of serving tourists
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 03, 2009 00:009dk okuma

ISTANBUL - An honorary consul general is someone who is appointed by the presidents of the countries who sends and accepts them and doesn’t receive a salary and there is no immunity but there is endless respect. And while using their material and immaterial possibilities, they try to carry out their duties in the best possible way. "There are honorable titles that a person in life can have whether politician or businessman," Boytüzün says.

Haberin Devamı

Nihat Boytüzün may be 79 years old but you’d never guess it because he has so much energy. Grey hair, light brown eyes, tall and an easy smile and many stories to tell. He studied electrical engineering and served in the naval reserve, only starting Kamera in 1959. Kamera which was recently sold specialized in tourism and travel, advertising and public relations, representing foreign industrial and commercial companies in Turkey.

Usually an honorary consulship is offered by the Turkish government to some one who is able to meet conditions such as prominence, experience, money.

The process usually means a foreign government that does not have a representative in a specific country or in a significant city requests that that country appoint someone to be its honorary consul. If the president and Ministry of Foreign Affairs agree, they will ask through the provincial governor for recommendations. The governor then selects someone and if after being asked that person agrees, then the recommendation goes back to the Ministry and the President. Finally the foreign country has to agree.

An honorary consul attends diplomatic receptions and dinners, for example, on the national days of the various countries. He or she is expected to be able to afford to hold a reception on the national day of the country he represents. He provides information to the nationals of that country and helps them if they are in trouble. He usually does not issue visas.

Nihat Boytüzün is one of the good examples of a honorary consul as he has served as the honorary consul of India and currently represents the Maldives and Senegal. He is well-traveled and is prepared to put his time and energy into promoting the countries he represents. He is also very good about attending diplomatic receptions and dinners and always has a fund of stories with which to entertain other guests.

"There are honorable titles that a person in life can have whether politician or diplomat or famous businessman," Boytüzün told the Daily News. "In my opinion one of the most honorable of these is the title and duty of honorary consul general. I had the honor to represent India for 15 years in Istanbul. An honorary consul general is someone who is appointed by the presidents of the countries who sends and accepts them and doesn’t receive a salary and there is no immunity but there is endless respect. And while using their material and immaterial possibilities, they try to carry out their duties in the best possible way. For the last ten years I have had the honor of serving as the Istanbul consul general for the Republic of Senegal and the Maldives and I boast of this duty of mine. As a result I can say what a happy Honorary Consul General I am."

Arriving at success
What made Boytüzün successful? He advises people to program their days, weeks, even months by which he believes that one can reach any goal set. While the word opportunist has a bad connotation, seizing an opportunity that presents itself and is in line with one’s goals can’t be a bad thing. Certainly Boytüzün has done so. From being given a chance to have two first-class around-the-world airline tickets, he contacted many of the embassies in Ankara, discovered a business in the Far East that would work very well in Turkey (outside advertising) and met an oil company owner who hired him to represent his interests in Turkey. He never looked back. You can do it too if you recognize that an opportunity has presented itself and you set up a disciplined program and goals.

Boytüzün would also recommend that everyone should work at something they enjoy and not continue with something they don’t like. But it is to work hard if you want to win big. Never believe that you have reached the point where you know it all.

According to Boytüzün, "young Turkish people should learn three languages and primarily English. I learned mine on the streets but however I climbed the steps of success it was through English and I strongly recommend this. The way to establish relations with the world is through knowing a language because the world is shrinking with today’s technology."

Openly proud of being 79 years and in good health, he says he can look back at having introduced a number of "firsts" into Turkey. He moved advertising from posters to billboards and put advertisements on sports fields as well as traveling around the world. He was a sports reporter on the radio for ten years. In tourism he began the first water tours with his own boats. He adds that he has a special corner in the Rahmi M. Koc Museum, thanks to his touring boats. He had a part in the opening of Istanbul Airlines, the first private airline in Turkey and also Greenair. He also produced a magazine called "Travel Tour News" for 15 years in two languages. One of the founders of the Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB), he is a board member of the United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA), presided over two world congresses and was made an honorary member of the executive board for life. He was the honorary consul general of India and is still the honorary consul general of Senegal and the Maldives. Most recently he was given the superior service medal and certificate by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When asked how he liked working in the tourism sector, Boytüzün told the Daily News that the horizon and possibilities in tourism were multiple and contained 37 separate professional groups within its structure. "To love tourism is to love people, nature, life. It provides a way to share with the people in the world life, culture, relations, peace, friendship, science and the exchange of knowledge and ideas as well as culture. There are many aspects of tourism to love."

Since Boytüzün has now spent 50 years in Turkey’s tourism sector, it seemed right to ask him how he saw it today in Turkey. He emphasized that he felt the sector had settled in. "The tourism people have formed organizations like TURSAB, TUROB, TYD and TUREB and the people have really embraced tourism. Our touristic facilities have begun to take their place in the world. In recent years the Turkish tourism and culture ministers have established close and cordial relations with representatives of the private sector and NGOs. In a short period the long road was taken and balance provided. The future of Turkish tourism is very shiny. The amount of foreign exchange that enters our country now is greater than all other income."

As for the future of tourism in Turkey Boytüzün is very optimistic about it but it needs to be promoted. He says, "PROMOTION-PROMOTION-PROMOTION. Do this, don’t get mixed up in the past. We have heard that the Ministry of Tourism and Culture has set aside $150 million for promotion - it’s so little, so little. In 2010 Istanbul will be the cultural city and we are making a mistake. We are promoting Turkey to the Turks in local newspapers, billboards and television. We have to promote Turkey to those outside, get them to understand and seek ways of drawing them to Turkey. In particular we should give our attention to the three quarters of the world’s population who live in Asia and we should concentrate our efforts there, we have to bring to Turkey the tourists in the Asia-Pacific region who are at a high economic level. How? PROMOTION-PROMOTION-PROMOTION."

Do you know what kind of people you like and dislike? Boytüzün does. "I hate ungrateful people. I like a man of his word, industrious, attached to his family and his country and who looks after his health and likes people. I try to establish friendship with these kinds of people."

Perhaps one would be able to guess that Boytüzün would like alaturca style music. When you observe him, you see that he punctuates his conversation with waves of his cigar, takes telephone calls, keeps his door open so people come in and out with questions and enthusiastically talks about his business

On the other hand he believes music is a necessity of life. "I miss the songs of the fasil groups. In past times there were nightclubs and my late wife Hepsen and I would take our place at a table early on. We would greet our musician friends in the fasil group and listen to them while they played. Later the main soloists would come out. I love old alaturka and alafranga music. It happens that I haven’t even heard the names of the artists that my grandchildren approve of. How may I say, let’s say that age and time ruins pleasures and colors." When you think of it, you realize that Boytüzün has traveled a lot. But he is very reluctant to speak. "Yes, I’ve traveled a lot, because of UFTAA’s world congresses, we have held 42 annual congresses in 42 countries. Fifteen to 20 times I’ve made a special world tour. I am still the Turkish representative for Air India. I spoke of my knowledge, point of view and my memories on Istanbul radio for ten years. As for the places I like the best, the answer is very difficult. The reasons whyI like one place or another depends on differences according to the season, climate and political situation. For example, the places I appreciate are the beautiful places that don’t lose their beauty whether it’s summer or winter like Honolulu, Jamaica, Rajistan, Goa, Sri Lanka, the Maldives. But Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand also have to be seen. In brief if you see that the glass is full, isn’t every place beautiful and can’t you enjoy the taste of the place you’ve gone to? My suggestion is to live and love, to come without seeing faults, to set out on a journey to discover the beauties of this world that Allah has created. Don’t separate the beauty you see into categories, so you will be happy."

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