Turkey to launch action plan Sept. 1 on Russian efforts to curb trade

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Turkey to launch action plan Sept. 1 on Russian efforts to curb trade
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: AÄŸustos 29, 2008 13:39

Turkey will retaliate against its top trade partner Russia, which is holding thousands of Turkish trucks for inspection at border customs posts, Foreign Trade Minister Kursad Tuzmen said on Friday.

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Based on the reciprocity clause and relevant international agreements, Turkey would implement its action plan against Russia, Tuzmen said at a press conference.    Â

"We will apply the same conditions and practices to Russian goods in Turkey that are applied to Turkish products in Russia. We wish that we can reach an agreement with Russia and enrich commercial ties without any problems," Tuzmen also said.

In reference to questions on the problems faced by Turkish businessmen in Russia, Tuzmen stressed that Turkish trucks are being blocked from entering Russia at customs points in a way that is not applied to trucks of other nations.

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Such a blockade is against the norms of the World Trade Organization and is an out of the ordinary regulation, Tuzmen said, adding that facing such practice from the Russians, Turkey would implement its own action plan as of Monday.

Turkey depends on Russian energy supplies, but is also a transit route for Russian energy exports, he added.

Turkish businesses are concerned they could lose $3 billion in the short term if the delays at border crossings continue. Trade with Russia has grown steadily since the collapse of the Soviet Union and is expected to top $38 billion this year.

Russia, Turkey's main supplier of natural gas, is the biggest market for Turkey's construction firms and millions of Russian tourists visit Turkey's Mediterranean coast every year.


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