Iran resumes natural gas supply to Turkey after two-day halt

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Iran resumes natural gas supply to Turkey after two-day halt
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 23, 2009 10:35

Iran resumed natural gas exports to Turkey on Thursday after repair works that caused deliveries to be halted for two days finished on border facilities, the official IRNA news agency reported.

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"Iran’s gas exports to Turkey re-started today (Thursday)," the National Iranian Gas Companys director for gas transportation, Mahmoud Loghmani, was quoted as saying.


Loghmani said the supply was restarted at a low pressure and that it will reach normal volume gradually.


Iran shut its natural gas pipeline to Turkey on Tuesday for maintenance work following a technical hitch.


Turkey receives between 15 and 18 million cubic meters of gas daily through the conduit, which runs from the northwestern Iranian city of Tabriz to Ankara.


Turkey, which also buys gas from Russia, weathered relatively smoothly the recent crisis between Moscow and Kiev, which left millions in Europe without heating, thanks to the Iranian conduit and a second pipeline with Russia running under the Black Sea.

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