Turkey's exports. The investment clouds of the Arabic capital will rain on somewhere definitely. We are trying to attract Arab investments to Turkey, Tuzmen told state-run Anatolian Agency. According to recent media reports, establishment of an investment fund with Gulf partners or new investment instruments to attract investors from Gulf countries together with preparation of an investment strategy for this region's companies also exist within Turkey's expected economic package. The package, which is planned to use both internal and external resources, is expected to be disclosed next week when Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan returns from his India visit. Due to the ongoing economic crisis, the Arab capital does not trust the American and European markets as much as it did in the past. Arabic capital would be best valued in Turkey, Tuzmen said. Turkey's exports to the Middle East increased by 65 percent when compared to last year and the trade volume has reached an amount of $12 billion, Tuzmen also said.","author": {"@type": "Thing", "name": "hurriyet.com.tr"},"publisher": {"@type": "Organization","name":"hurriyet.com.tr","logo": {"@type": "ImageObject","url": "https://image.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/100/0x0/590c24950f25442978242248.jpg","width": 230,"height": 60}}}
Güncelleme Tarihi:
"The Arab capital could be used to finance
According to recent media reports, establishment of an investment fund with Gulf partners or new investment instruments to attract investors from Gulf countries together with preparation of an investment strategy for this region's companies also exist within
The package, which is planned to use both internal and external resources, is expected to be disclosed next week when Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan returns from his
"Due to the ongoing economic crisis, the Arab capital does not trust the American and European markets as much as it did in the past. Arabic capital would be best valued in