1,700 year old Apollon statue unearthed in Turkey

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1,700 year old Apollon statue unearthed in Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2008 12:541dk okuma

Archeologists unearthed a 1,700-year old Apollon statue in Soloi Pompeipolis ancient city in the southern province of Mersin.

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Dr. Remzi Yagci, an archeologist from Dokuz Eylul University, told AA that the statue was made up of bronze in the first half of 3rd century, and belonging to Roman period.

Yagci said that the statue of sun-god Apollon was 615 grams and 20 cm. He added that the statue would be given to officials of Mersin Museum.

Yagci said that their excavations would continue till August 20th. The ancient Roman city of Soloi Pompeipolis was founded in 65-66 B.C. and located 10 kilometers from Mersin in the district of Mezitli.

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