Turkey to implement 12-month daylight savings in 2 yrs

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Turkey to implement 12-month daylight savings in 2 yrs
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ağustos 10, 2008 15:131dk okuma

Turkey is expected to begin implementing daylight saving time all year round after nearly 2 years, the officials said on Sunday.

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Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Ministry reached a consensus with the relevant institutions in regard to implementation of daylight saving time all year round and change of reference meridian.

If the Council of Ministers approves it, organizations such as airlines, banks and stock exchange will be given 1.5 or 2 years for adaptation and then implementation will begin.

Daylight savings ends this year on the last weekend of October and clocks will be set back by one hour, as it occurred in the past.

Photo: Reuters

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