Parliament set to go into recess

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Parliament set to go into recess
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 30, 2009 00:00

ANKARA - Despite Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s promise to European envoys that Parliament would make an effort to pass the 17 bills requested by the European Union, lawmakers will begin the summer recess today as planned.

Ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, members said Parliament would reconvene on Aug. 4 for the election of the new parliament speaker and that could give lawmakers the chance to work until the beginning of Ramadan on Aug. 19. But observers believed it was unlikely Parliament could keep deputies in Ankara in the middle of summer and argued that Parliament would begin its legislative work by Oct. 1, as planned.

The two-year mandate of current Parliament Speaker Köksal Toptan is to end on Aug. 9, but he has the option to run for another term. The first two rounds of the election will be on Aug. 4. If lawmakers fail to elect the new speaker, the third and fourth rounds will be held on Aug, 5.Toptan has not yet announced his candidacy for his second term but observers believe he will likely run for it.
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