Anatolia News Agency
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 13, 2009 00:001dk okuma
SOFIA - A private Bulgarian broadcaster airing a Turkish soap opera has seen its ratings soar to new heights, a success that has led it to start showing another Turkish program as well.
The Nova Televizia channel broke the record for viewer numbers when it started broadcasting the Turkish soap opera "Binbir Gece." The channel then decided to broadcast another Turkish show, "Dudaktan Kalbe."
"Dudaktan Kalbe," which is being broadcast under the name "Melody of the Heart," has already matched the viewer numbers attained by "Binbir Gece."
Executives at Nova Televizia believe the success of the Turkish programs in Bulgaria is due to similarities in the social culture and lifestyle of the two countries.
Nova Televizia’s success has also led Bulgaria’s biggest private broadcaster, BTV, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, to initiate plans to air the Turkish soap opera "Gümüş."
BTV has launched a massive advertising campaign to promote the program, which is set to begin airing Monday. Billboards promoting the program can be seen in the capital, Sofia, and the country’s other major cities. Executives said they expect "Gümüş" to be a big hit; if their expectations are met, they plan to include more Turkish soap operas on their broadcast schedule. Turkish soap operas have also been a major success in the Middle East.