Fethiye’s literary son remembered

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Fethiye’s literary son remembered
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 22, 2009 00:003dk okuma

FETHİYE - In honor of the village’s homegrown writer and newspaper founder, Fethiye will hold the second Yunus Nadi cultural festival from April 27 to May 1.

Yunus Nadi was born in a village near Fethiye in 1879 and went on to become the founder of the famous Cumhurriyet (Republic) newspaper in 1924. Fethiye has remembered their famous son by naming not only a school after him but also holding a cultural festival of speech, art and music.

The first festival was successfully held last year and the organizers hope it will become a regular and increasingly prominent feature of Fethiye’s social calendar. Sponsored and coordinated by FETAV, Fethiye Rotary Club and Fethiye Municipality, the festival hosts a long list of the famous and celebrated from all over Turkey and beyond. The majority of the events will be held in Turkish but anyone is welcome.

It is hoped that in the years to come there will be more events in English to encourage other nationalities.

OPENING CEREMONY: The Muğla governor is expected to attend the opening ceremony Monday at the Cultural Center. There will be a screening of highlights from the previous year and features of those participating this year. Students from Yunus Nadi First School will perform a show about Yunus Nadi.

MUSIC: Alfred and Ragna Wissing from the Netherlands hold music workshops throughout the week.

SCULPTURE: Bayram Candan from Sabanci University will hold a creative sculpture workshop with primary school students who will produce a publicly displayed sculpture at the end of the week.

PAINTING: Şükran Şahin will host workshops with students, present an exhibition of her work and will hold a 90-minute session with art teachers. Banu Thesis will come from Germany, and will hold a mural painting class in a school with students. Nazan İpşiroğlu will hold "understanding and deconstructing painting" sessions.

DRAMA: Johan Fuchs from the Netherlands will hold creative drama workshops for three groups of students. Their final show will be Friday evening together with the music show. Nihal Kuyumcu will have a forum theater and a creative drama workshop. Tijen Savaşkan will also have workshops, which will conclude with a show on the Friday evening.

POETRY: Yusuf Çütüksöken, Poets from Fethiye and the top three finalists from a high school poetry recital competition in Fethiye will recite poetry by various Turkish poets such as Nazım Hikmet, accompanied by a harp.

LITERATURE: Fakiye Özsoysal, Zehra İpşiroğlu, Selahattin-Şükran Dilidüzgün, Seyda Ozil, Yusuf Çutuksöken and Gülsüm Cengiz will give lectures on creative reading and creative writing. Behiç Ak, Nazlı Eray, Doğan Hızlan, Gülsüm Cengiz, İnci Aral, Sevim Ak, Zehra İpşiroğlu and Zeynep Oral will hold discussions about their work and a book signing.

CONFERENCE: İlknur Güntürkün Kalıpçı and his son will hold two conferences on Atatürk on Monday.

DISCUSSION: Zehra İpşiroğlu, İnci Aral, Sevim Ak and Gülsüm Cengiz will participate in an open discussion on women’s rights.

CLOSING CEREMONY: Friday evening marks the festival’s end. The closing ceremony at the Cultural Center will include drama shows by three different workshops and a music show from students. The awards will be given to the top three of the recital competition among the high school students and to the top three of the "I am writing a book" competition among primary school students.
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