’Bacca faced multiple rape’

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’Bacca faced multiple rape’
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 19, 2009 00:001dk okuma

ISTANBUL - The DNA test on the Italian rape victim Pippa Bacca, who was killed in the western province of Kocaeli in 2007, has shown more than one person raped her, her lawyer said yesterday.

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Mehmet Eke, speaking to Anatolia news agency, said according to the forensic report, Bacca could have been raped by two or three people. Italian artist Giuseppina Pasqualina Di Marineo, known as Pippa Bacca, was hitchhiking through Turkey on her way to Lebanon on a mission of peace when she was found dead in rural Kocaeli.

One suspect was charged for the crime and the trial is continuing. The suspect has admitting killing Bacca and will face life imprisonment if found guilty.Eke said a new inquiry would have to be launched in light of the new evidence.Bacca’s murder created outrage both in Turkey and Italy.

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