Discussing 1915 issue sign of self belief: Gül

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Discussing 1915 issue sign of self belief: Gül
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 19, 2008 00:00

ANKARA - Remarks by a main opposition party deputy over the Turkish president’s stance on free discussion of the 1915 events drew reaction from the presidential office.

Canan Arıtman of the Republican People’s Party, or CHP, criticized President Abdullah Gül for supporting the initiative of a group of Turkish intellectuals who launched a campaign to make a public apology for what they call "the great catastrophe" of 1915. Gül said the initiative was proof that everything could be openly discussed in Turkey.

"It seems Gül supports the campaign. Gül should be the president of the Turkish nation, not the president of his ethnic origin. A further examination of Gül’s ethnic origin on his mother’s side will reveal the truth that he is of Armenian origin," Arıtman said on Wednesday.

"We all knew from the beginning that Gül’s mother was of Armenian origin. He has to protect the rights and dignity of the nation whatever his origin," she said.

Meanwhile, a written statement released yesterday by the presidential office said the Turkish president had voiced and defended Turkey’s opinions and proposals concerning the 1915 incidents everywhere. "Free discussion of the 1915 incidents is a clear indication of a more democratic atmosphere in Turkey than elsewhere, and of the self-confidence of the Turkish nation and its peace with its history," read the statement.
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