Key connection verified by suspect

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Key connection verified by suspect
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 29, 2008 00:003dk okuma

ANKARA - Testimony from an Ergenekon suspect has verified the existence of a close connection between Tuncay Güney and Mehmet Eymür, a former intelligence officer, although both men denied it.

In his testimony during Friday’s hearing of the Ergenekon case, Ümit Oğuztan, who worked with Güney at "Strateji" magazine, claimed that Güney, considered the key figure in the Ergenekon case, had said he directly conveyed intelligence and photos to Eymür at the National Intelligence Organization, or MİT.

Güney’s relations
Oğuztan further said Güney befriended the Iran Consulate’s political affairs undersecretary Muhsin Karger. Güney was news editor at the magazine, and Oğuztan was the editor-in-chief. MİT’s denial that the Ergenekon case’s central figure Tuncay Güney Ğ whose archive made up the bulk of the Ergenekon indictment Ğ was a registered intelligence source, did nothing to soothe the controversy over the self-declared rabbi in the national media.

Daily Milliyet highlighted the mystery of how Güney managed to baffle experienced police officers. Former vice-chief of the police’s organized crime bureau, Ahmet İhtiyaroğlu, who interrogated Güney in 2001 while he was detained under suspicion of organized fraud, stated that Güney’s testimony included extraordinary details and a mass of information he had never witnessed before.

"I interrogated 24,000 people, but have never seen the likes of him," said İhtiyaroğlu, who disclosed details of the interrogation of Güney with a petition to the prosecutors office Oct. 28 "to help Justice."

"I told my chief that if what this man says is true, then MİT's undersecretary, the chief of staff's intelligence chief and the police intelligence chief should be here, too. We do not have the ability to filter the truth in what he says," İhtiyaroğlu said. "It was as if he was sent by someone to say this. Hakan from the intelligence unit noted that his department knew some of the things Güney said, and proposed starting a joint operation. I did not believe Güney’s testimony, but our chief decided to demand permission for an operation," İhtiyaroğlu wrote.

Güney said the MİT answer was meant to verify that the information he provided and the documents discovered at his house were correct, in an interview published in the daily Yeni Şafak. "I need to repeat that I respect MİT, but I am not their man," Güney said.

Pro-government daily Sabah wrote that a MİT answer to prosecutor Öz, who demanded to know whether Güney was working for MİT, proves that he indeed worked for the organization. "Güney was referred to as ’Tuncay Güney İPEK,’ in MİT’s response, with the codename İpek, though Öz’s question only used the name ’Tuncay Güney,’" Sabah said.

Multiple identities
Daily Vatan underlined his multiple identities. Güney earlier worked for Samanyolu TV, he is accused of working for the CIA, or being a member of the Fethullah Gülen community. He allegedly leaked Gülen’s religious sermons that acted as evidence of his reactionary activities. Güney is also said to have nurtured close ties with the retired brigadier General Veli Küçük, who is on trial in the Ergenekon case.
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