Former prosecutor detained in Turkey's controversial Ergenekon

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Former prosecutor detained in Turkeys controversial Ergenekon
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ekim 21, 2008 12:491dk okuma

Ertac Giray, a former public prosecutor, was detained Tuesday as part of the controversial Ergenekon operation, Turkish TV channels reported.

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Giray provided legal representation for Ret. Capt. Muzaffer Tekin at the time of his arrest in the Ergenekon investigation.


The first day of hearings in Turkey's controversial Ergenekon case, in which 86 people are accused of membership to a group that allegedly plotted to overthrow the country's Islamist-rooted government, ended on Monday.


The Ergenekon operation started in June 2007 with the discovery of grenades in a house in Istanbul’s Umraniye district. Since then over one hundred people have been detained in eight waves of arrests in the controversial operation.�


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Another indictment would be submitted for those detained in the latest three waves of the operation that includes two retired generals, journalists, a business group leader and an actress.


Photo: Hurriyet Archives 

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