Turkey shells PKK targets in N.Iraq and vows to continue the operations

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Turkey shells PKK targets in N.Iraq and vows to continue the operations
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Åžubat 21, 2008 12:55

Turkish artillery shelled PKK targets in the Northern Iraq on Thursday as the National Security Council said the operations against PKK will continue after its meeting in Ankara. (UPDATED)

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"In its regular meeting on Thursday, the Council reaffirmed its determination to maintain measures against the activities of the terrorist organization and its supporters aiming to harm public order, unity and solidarity, and peace and confidence," a statement released after the meeting at the Presidential Palace in Ankara said.

The Council also said its members reviewed policies to be pursued in coming days to combat terrorism. "Also the Council discussed measures taken by our security forces to preserve security and peace and order throughout the country," it told. It added that Turkey's expectations and sensitivities regarding Iraq and underlined importance of Iraq's territorial integrity and political unity were also discussed.

"Taking into consideration recent positive developments in Iraq, we talked about improving our political, economic, commercial, cultural, military and energy cooperation with this neighboring country and increasing humanitarian aid to this country," the statement said. In its regular meeting, the Council also reviewed some foreign developments including developments regarding Kosovo and Cyprus.

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Turkish artillery shelled PKK targets in the Northern Iraq on Thursday, as the military and civilian leaders vowed to press ahead with cross-border attacks against PKK in Iraq. Turkish warplanes also attacked rebel positions in northern Iraq on Thursday, according to NTV television which cited Iraqi Kurdish officials. However, Turkish authorities did not immediately confirm the reports.    


Meanwhile Reuters reported Turkish troops clash with Peshmerga security forces inside the Northern Iraq, quoting an Iraqi official. Both Peshmerga spokesperson and the Turkish General Staff  denied on Thursday the reports. "On several press organs, there are news stories claiming that clashes are happening between TSK units and peshmergas in the north of Iraq. Those news stories are completely unreal; and were written intentionally to misled the public" said the General Staff in a statement

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A ground operation against PKK, hiding in Iraq remained an option, Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said Tuesday. The timing of any operation would depend on weather, he said. A convoy of some 50 military vehicles carried special forces to areas close to border in the southeastern province of Hakkari late Wednesday, DHA reported Thursday.

Military helicopters were combing the area and two Turkish warplanes were seen flying toward northern Iraq on Thursday, but it was not clear whether they were on a bombing mission. Turkey has confirmed a total of five aerial attacks inside Iraq since Dec. 16 against the rebels.    

A security official from Qalaat Diza province earlier told PUKmedia, a website belongs to the party of the Iraqi president, the Turkish warplanes had flown since Wednesday night to the early hours of Thursday morning in the airspace of Qandil, Qalaat Diza, Zarawa, Sanksar and Raniya. An Iraqi Army officer told AP that Turkish shelling hit several villages in Sedafan area, some 30 kilometers (20 miles) away from the Turkish border.  

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There were no reports of casualties.                                       

Turkey has massed tens of thousands of troops along its mountainous frontier with Iraq. It has already carried out several small-scale cross-border commando operations as well as aerial bombing raids against PKK, listed as terrorist organization by the EU and the US.                      Â

"They started heavy artillery shelling at about 11 a.m. (0800 GMT). We still don't know if there are any casualties -- the area was deserted except for some PKK members," said Jabbar Yawar, a spokesman for the Peshmerga security forces in Iraq's largely autonomous region of Kurdistan. He said the shells hit the remote, mountainous area of Hakurk. But a border guard official posted in the area said he was not aware of any shelling, according to Reuters.

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Earlier this month, Turkish warplanes bombed 70 PKK targets inside Iraq in one of the biggest raids to date and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan vowed to continue the campaign.  



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