US State Department: We need a few more days from you

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US State Department: We need a few more days from you
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ekim 22, 2007 09:18

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday telephoned Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to reportedly request "a few more days" from Turkey before the nation takes its anticipated action against PKK terrorists hiding in the northern reaches of Iraqi territory.

Rice, who spoke with PM Erdogan prior to yesterday security summit headed by President Abdullah Gul at Cankaya, noted that the recent terror attacks had made Washington, DC "very, very uncomfortable," and told PM Erdogan that the US perceived Turkey's reaction as just. PM Erdogan, for his part, reportedly underscored to Rice the urgency needed in possible US actions, telling her "If you are going to take steps on this matter, they need to be taken quickly."
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