Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 19, 2007 10:041dk okuma
According to a report on drought conditions in the Mediterranean region, prepared by the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), the level of per capita water allowance in Turkey has dropped one third over the past 40 years.
The report notes that while in the 1960s, when Turkey's population was around 28 million people, the country was "water rich," with an allowance of 4,000 cubic meters of water per capita. With today's population of over 70 million people however, Turkey has an estimated allowance of 1,400 cubic meters of water per capita. The WWF report paid special attention to illegal wells throughout Turkey which are draining underground water tables quickly, as well as to the fast disappearing flora and fauna varieties in the country. The report concluded that by 2025, Turkey would join Egypt and Syria in experiencing serious drought conditions, with a 25% drop in rainfall by that point.