US weapons making their way to PKK forces in northern Iraq

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US weapons making their way to PKK forces in northern Iraq
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 22, 2007 14:11

Some American weapons which have reportedly gone missing while in Iraq have been revealed to have the same weapons used in both last spring's attack on the Council of State in Ankara, as well as in the Santoro murder in Trabzon.

According to news broadcast on NTV today, guns which have gone missing or were not registered in Iraq have made their way into northern Iraq and PKK forces' hands, and have been identified as the same ones used in attacks against such Turkish state organs as the Council of State and police force members, as well as even in the attack on Italian Priest Andrea Santoro in Trabzon. According to NTV, the American intelligence agency CIA has issued an alert in the wake of this discovery.
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