Five thousand gather in sit-down protest of Hrant Dink assassination

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Five thousand gather in sit-down protest of Hrant Dink assassination
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 20, 2007 15:47

Five thousand people gathered yesterday evening in Taksim Square in a sit-down protest against the assassination of Hrant Dink, the Editor-in-chief of the Armenian Community’s newspaper, Agos, which took place earlier in the day. The protestors proceeded to march towards the newspaper’s office carrying photographs of Mr. Dink, candles, torches, and flowers.

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The crowd, which had doubled in number by the time they had reached the Agos building, sang and clapped hands in protest as well as shouting such slogans as, “We are all Hrant Dink. We are all Armenians”, and “Hrant Dink’s murderer is this country’s betrayer”.


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