Erdogan on Turkey''s EU quest: There can be no accidents on this journey

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Erdogan on Turkeys EU quest: There can be no accidents on this journey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 29, 2006 11:53

Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen, whose recent diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the Cyprus problem were unsuccessful, is reportedly planning a surprise visit to Turkey. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and PM Vanhanen will meet Friday afternoon in the Turkish capital, followed by a joint press conference.

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Before today's news that the EU Commission was recommending that 8 sections of the Turkish accession talks be shelved due to the refusal by Ankara to open up air and sea ports to Southern Cypriot trade use, Erdogan commented yesterday at Ankara's Esenboga Airport on the situation:

"I do share the view that we have been 'left without results' or that 'nothing was achieved.' As far as I am concerned, every step taken covers distance. And steps continue to be taken. Look, they were calling it a 'train wreck.' But now what is being said? 'There was no train wreck, but the train has slowed down.' There can be accidents on this journey. And we believe this. We are continuing on our road. We are continuing on our road with the same belief and same decisiveness."

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On the EU's expectations re Turkey, Erdogan added this: "The EU's expectations are clear. Within these expectations, the Copenhagen political criteria and the economic criteria are clear. Turkey is continuing to fulfill these. Just as with other member countries before they became members, there can be some slow-downs, as well as speed-ups. That is all part of the nature of this business. England took 11 years to become a member. Spain finished its talks after 8-9 years."

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