New Yorker article: US administration supporting Iran-based PKK group

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New Yorker article: US administration supporting Iran-based PKK group
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 20, 2006 15:061dk okuma

The New Yorker magazine, a US-based weekly, has published an article maintaining that the US administration has been supporting Pejak, the Iranian arm of the PKK, for months. According to the story, the goal of the US administration in this support is to fuel instability in the Tehran administration.

Haberin Devamı

Journalist Seymour Hersh, who was also the reporter to break the Abu Ghraib story, has written this week's article, which maintains that US support for Pejak has been going on for the past 6 months, including training and logistical support. Hersh also claims that Israel is supporting Iran-based Pejak forces.

The New Yorker article also maintains that the US Defense Department has formed secret relations with Kurdish, Azeri and Balucian ethnic groups in Iran, and that the Pentagon is encouraging members of these ethnic groups to foment movements against the Iranian government in the country's northern and southeastern regions.

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