Ahmedinecad’s Bodrum ban

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Ahmedinecad’s Bodrum ban
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 06, 2006 12:161dk okuma

Currently on the agenda of Iranian President Ahmedinecad, is the freedoms of Iranian women abroad. The latest in a line of restrictions for women is to forbid travel to the Mediterranean beach town of Bodrum, with the aim of avoiding 'disintegrating morals'. In a meeting with the Iranian President Ahmedinecad yesterday in Baku, Turkish Primes Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reminded him that 1 million Iranian tourists had travelled to Turkey by air last year and requested that the Tehran-Bodrum and Tehran-Antalya lines be re-established.

“I will look into it”
The Iranian President Ahmedinecad gave his word that he would “look into the matter”. Turkish travel agents' applications for charter planes in the month of March, were dismissed several days ago. There are currently no problems being experienced with scheduled flights from Iran to Turkey.

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