Diyarbakir Mayor Baydemir: Our pain was for 14, now it is 16

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Diyarbakir Mayor Baydemir: Our pain was  for 14, now it is 16
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 30, 2006 13:15

Diyarbakir Mayor Osman Baydemir has corrected the official announcement by Police Headquarters in the city that 1 person had died in clashes, saying that the number was actually 2. Baydemir met with other city officials in front of Diyarbakir's Theater Salon to hold a press conference in which he called for calm and level-headedness from city residents.

Referring to the clashes which had killed 14 PKK terrorists in Mus earlier in the week, Baydemir said "Though our pain was for 14 one day ago, now it is for 16." In response to a question about the responsibility of Roj TV for the events that have taken place in Diyarbakir, Mayor Baydemir said "You cannot put the blame on one point when there is a problem. There is no connection with Roj TV." Roj TV had broadcast a call for shop owners in Diyarbakir to stay closed on the day of the funerals for 4 of the PKK members killed in clashes, and rioting which broke out after the funerals targeted shops that had not obeyed the Roj TV orders.
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