Cicek: "Our population makes us the 'teenager' of the EU and the region"

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Cicek: Our population makes us the teenager of the EU and the region
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 27, 2006 11:13

Justice Minister Cemil Cicek has commented on the overwhelmingly young tilt to Turkey's population, saying that it is a "teenager" when compared both to EU countries and the other countries in the region. Speaking at the Ataturk Sports Salon in Elazig, Cicek also compared work completed by the current AKP administration with the work completed by previous administration's, noting that the stability secured by the current administration would continue.

Recalling that Turkey's economy, out of 190 countries in the world, came in at 17th place, Cicek commented "But this is not enough for us, we want to be in first place."
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