Ban on Ozgur Politika lifted

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Ban on Ozgur Politika lifted
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ekim 22, 2005 12:10

A ban that was put in place by the German government in early September on a publishing house named E. Xani Press and Publishing House GmbH for publishing and distributing a Turkish-language newspaper Özgür Politika has been lifted. An administrative court in Germany found there were not enough grounds to justify the ban on the paper, which has been seen as a mouthpiece of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

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Interior Minister Otto Schily said the newspaper was a mouthpiece for spreading news and propaganda for the banned PKK.

The Leipzig based court ruled against the interior minister saying that the decision to ban Özgür Politika was against German law.

The publishing house was banned by Schily using post Sept. 11 laws which allow the government to outlaw extremist organizations. He said it has been proven that Özgür Politika was part of the PKK and that it transmitted information about the outlawed group and directives from its executive cadres.

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